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Anabolic Steroid Side Effects

Anabolic steroid side effects
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What are anabolic steroid side effects?

We have all heard the little jokes about bodybuilders with huge muscles but shrunken testicles and a mean temper but how true are these rumors.

Anabolic steroids are often misused in the sporting world by participants who wish to boost their performance and gain an edge on their opponents. They are also widely used in gym’s across the world by those seeking the promise of nearly immediate extra gains that anabolic steroids provide. However, there is often too little consideration given to the side effects as we tend to reason that they only happen to others.

Steroids promise a boost in lean muscle gain, reduced body fat, enhanced training ability, and faster recovery times. As a result, they are popular amongst aspiring gym users who are seeking instant results in their body modification efforts. The most popular starter steroid is testosterone with a host of other top-selling steroids that boost specific functions such as bulking and cutting.

However, the impressive results often come with a price in the form of side effects.

anabolic steroid side effects

Main Anabolic Steroid Side Effects

  • Shrinking testicles
  • Hair loss
  • Facial hair and body hair gain
  • Altered moods and mood swings
  • An enlarged clitoris in women
  • Deepened voice
  • Impotence
  • Enlarged prostate in men
  • Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)
  • Cholesterol problems
  • Heart diseases such as strokes and heart attacks and high blood pressure
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Acne

In short, steroids can produce some pretty serious side effects. If you are using them to look and feel better then I am sure you will agree that suffering from any one of these serious side effects is just not worth the additional benefits you obtain from using them.

Doctors have a nice way of putting things like that they are 90% safe etc. However, this means that 1 out of ten will suffer from a serious side effect. That one person could be you. As most anabolic steroids can only be obtained on a doctor’s prescription a thriving black market has developed.

The black market for steroids results in substances that have been illegally imported from dubious overseas manufacturers or a product manufactured in a backyard lab which is equally as dangerous. In short – stay away from them!

Safer Alternative – Legal Steroids.

Legal steroids are products that are able to mimic the exact same functions as anabolic steroids but in a safe and harmless way.  You get all the benefits without having to worry about the risk of side effects of anabolic steroids.

Cutting and bulking are made easy when you use a legal supplement to enhance your results.

The great news is that there are no serious side effects associated with legal steroid alternatives such as those supplied by Brutal Force. The products are manufactured in an FDA-approved facility and are of the highest quality. They are also shipped free worldwide so no extra nasty shipping charges are involved.