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Fat guys last longer during sexual intercourse

last longer during sexual intercourse
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In a recent study conducted by Erciyes University in Turkey, it was found that men with a potbelly and some excess fat tend to last longer during sexual intercourse.

In fact, they tended to last an average of 7.3 minutes as opposed to the six-pack men that blasted off in under 2 minutes.

The study took 100 men with a little extra to offer and 100 well-built men. They then studied their bedroom performance and determined the amazing results which showed that fat men lasted up to 3 times longer than their fit counterparts.

Why Fat guys last longer in sex.

What the study did not show is that while fat men may last longer during sexual intercourse do they have sex as often as their fit counterparts?

The main sex hormone in men is Testosterone. This hormone is really what makes men be men. It promotes sexual development as well as being responsible for facial hair and muscle development. As men age their testosterone levels drop resulting in loss of lean muscle and an accumulation of body fat especially around the belly. They also tend to suffer from a loss of libido due to reduced testosterone levels.

In fatter men testosterone can be converted by Aromatase into a hormone called estradiol. This hormone is primarily a female hormone and is responsible for the delay of orgasms in females, which is why these larger men lasted longer in bed.  While estradiol is usually found in men excess levels are a problem.

Excess aromatase activity leads to a drop in free testosterone and excess levels of estradiol. The increased estradiol levels in men cause several health issues.

Higher estradiol levels increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. Men with elevated estradiol levels doubled their risk of stroke.

Higher estradiol levels boosted Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Increased risk of Prostate cancer and prostate problems.

The above is just a few of the higher risk problems associated with high estradiol levels.

How to reduce estradiol levels in men.

Despite the temptation to be able to last longer during sexual intercourse, it is really advisable to boost your testosterone and limit your estradiol levels.

Limiting estradiol in men can be achieved by reducing aromatase activity through the use of aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase activity is increased by the use of alcohol, insulin, and excess weight among other things.

Other natural inhibitors are minerals such as Zinc, Resveratrol, Nicotine, and Vitamin E, and a whole host of other nutrients.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and boosting your testosterone levels will naturally result in decreased aromatase activity and a reduction in estradiol levels.

Boost testosterone for improved masculinity

How to boost testosterone.