Best Fat Burner for Men

Best fat burner for men
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What is the best fat burner for men?

I know that you are expecting me to list some of the great fat burner diet pills such as Phen375, Thinz, or Phentermine, but I am not. Instead, I am going to show you one of the main reasons why men gain that famous pot belly and how to effectively treat it.

We have all heard women complaining and blaming their weight gain on hormones. Well, the good news is that men are also able to blame their hormones for their protruding belly or the extra pounds on their waistline.

Research has indicated that the main male hormone, testosterone, plays a major part in controlling a man’s fat and muscle. Unfortunately, as we get older, our testosterone levels decline resulting in a corresponding weight gain in many instances.

Best fat burner for men is Testosterone

As you get older your testosterone levels naturally start to decline. It is at this stage that you start to notice a change in your body. Where there was a six-pack you start to develop a barrel.  Your libido is not quite as high as it used to be and your energy levels have dropped. Possibly your man boobs have grown a little and you have noticed a drop in your concentration levels as well.

Blame it all on hormones! To be specific blame it on testosterone and estrogen.

Most men tend to think that testosterone is only a sexual hormone and that it is constant. It is probable that you blame your decline in sexual activity on married life or too much stress. You blame weight gain on too much beer and overeating or your love of fast food. Lack of energy is due to being overworked etc.

While all of the above is possible and could contribute to your condition it is more likely that what you are experiencing is a low testosterone level.

Research has shown that Testosterone in men helps to build lean muscle and improves the ability of your body to convert fat into lean muscle. Low testosterone levels help to make your body resistant to insulin. What this results in is that when you eat food and especially carbs, it gets stored as fat instead of being burned off as energy. Now you know why you tend to lack energy as well.

The best fat burner for men
Fat compared to muscle.

From the above image, you can see exactly what effect losing 5 pounds of lean muscle to fat will have on your waistline. You may weigh the same but your waistline will be drastically altered.

As your testosterone levels drop your body develops fat which contains aromatase.  This hormone converts testosterone into estrogen or estradiol which is a predominately female hormone. Estrogen causes weight gain in females as well as breast development so no wonder you start to develop man boobs and gain a few pounds.

Additional health hazards of the low testosterone and high estrogen levels are increased risk of stroke and heart disease as well as increased risk of prostate problems to mention just a few.

When researchers at the Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science tested reducing testosterone levels in subjects they had some amazing results. By lowering testosterone levels they saw an increase of as much as 36% in body fat.

Some medical researchers go as far as to say that you can judge testosterone levels in a man by the size of his waistline.

It is clear that boosting your testosterone is the most important step to take in a step to control your weight. In fact, it can be said that testosterone is probably the best fat burner for men.

How to boost your testosterone.