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Is it cheating to use steroids

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I have just been following a huge discussion on a Facebook forum about the use of steroids in bodybuilding.

The initial question which started the storm is

“Is it cheating to use steroids for gains?”

A couple of interesting responses:-

“Why is it cheating? I wear extensions in my hair so my hair is longer than most women. I’m not cheating. I want to look a certain way and if I can get it done now/faster, why shouldn’t I?”

“You give those around you who are going the natural route to feel like they can never reach those ‘unrealistic’ results naturally … You could call it the photoshop of the fitness world”

Each to their own, it is a personal choice. It is very competitive out there

“Unbiased opinion here since I’ve never taken performance substances but… is make-up for women fake and therefore not allowed. Supplements are an extraction of something or a culmination of various things so by definition not natural, does that constitute “fakeness”. Is a car that’s been worked on fake, no. It’s just faster. An opinion different from other opinions isn’t wrong, it’s just different. I always try to be careful that self-righteousness doesn’t dictate my mindset. To each his own… surely?”

 “….just for a bit of info most of the gear is only hormones that your body produces naturally anyway all you are doing is adding more of it the main compound being testosterone for us males. Some are fast-acting and some are slow-acting the aim is to elevate our natural levels and keep them consistent over great time periods this helps with recovery and in actual fact has very little growth capabilities why is recovery so important so you can train the same muscle group more often! The main thing that promotes growth is a combination between tearing the muscle tissue, hint the training part, and then comes the recovery, hint the high protein diets! The test will just speed that up meaning growing bigger faster and getting stronger!!”

 How is it fake? You can “shoot” all you want but without hard work, i.e. training and eating you will never show results. People need to understand the chemistry around anabolics. Yes, it gives you an edge but it just enhances what you putting in, once again, eating and training. Just cos someone uses doesn’t mean they cheating or took shortcuts. Most of these ppl are athletes and they push their bodies to the limits to be competitive.

Give them their dues. They work harder than anyone else trying to perfect their bodies. It honestly pisses me off when ppl say, yeah but so and so is using juice, if I used I can also look like that. Kak man, you do not have the heart or dedication that person has. So yeah, it’s not cheating, it’s enhancing their bodies and minds. You ask wtf u mean mind, well they are pretty much frikken scientists/doctors because it’s not just about shooting, u need to know what your body requires, how much at what time, etc, etc. they are not just dumb jocks.”

Supplements vs Steroids

From the responses that were received on the forum, it seems that most people were pro using something to boost their results. What was not really covered under the topic was whether you should use steroids or supplements which are often referred to as legal steroids?


Anabolic steroids are either banned or only available on a Doctor’s prescription in most countries. The reason for this is that they tend to have some severe side effects that could affect your health negatively. Anabolic steroid side effects.

Most users of steroids or other illegal drugs usually have the opinion that they can handle it or that side effects only happen to others and not me. I am careful and know what I am doing.

Unfortunately most users also never fully research the long term consequences of what they are doing or using, and are only seeking the immediate short term benefits.

Since steroids are mostly illegal, back yard black market facilities exist which manufacture these items under dubious circumstances. Alternatively, they are imported from countries with equally dubious manufacturing standards.


Since the supplement market is totally legal and highly competitive the legal steroids are usually of a very high standard. Most are monitored by governing bodies so quality is well maintained.

Legal steroids are supplements that have been designed to mimic the action of steroids but without the side effects. You get to enjoy all the benefits of steroids without the worry about side effects and legalities.

My personal choice of supplements comes from a company called Brutal Force who just happens to be one of the top bodybuilding supplement suppliers worldwide.

Brutal Force