How to get rid of belly fat so that you look and feel great again.
Losing belly fat will not only make you feel better and look great but will also vastly improve your overall health.
Belly fat is a build-up of visceral fat in the abdominal cavity, Visceral fat, found in the abdominal cavity, differs from normal subcutaneous fat (the fat just below the skin) in that subcutaneous fat does not really harm your health that much apart from causing a little extra strain to your heart.
Visceral fat differs in that it releases toxins into the surrounding organs which causes inflammation to these organs.
Inflammation of the heart causes a narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels which can lead to eventual heart failure. Visceral fat can be as bad or worse for your health than smoking.
The other huge health problem associated with visceral fat is that a build-up of pressure is experienced in the abdominal cavity. In a person with a BMI of 40, this internal pressure can be as much as 3 x atmospheric pressure or the equivalent to being 80 ft underwater.
This internal pressure build-up results in the internal organs such as the lungs becoming smaller and not being able to function properly. This is the prime reason why bigger people get out of breath so easily.
Unfortunately in some cultures, a large belly has been seen as a sign of prosperity. Your larger belly indicates that you have the means to feed yourself well. A smaller frame indicated a lack of funds necessary to feed yourself well. Fortunately, this practice is starting to dwindle as these cultures have slowly become more educated about the health risks associated with belly fat.
Steps to get rid of belly fat.
Getting rid of belly fat will often involve making some changes to your lifestyle. You can not go on doing all the same things and expect change to happen.
Below are some steps that you can take to help reduce your waistline.
Exercises to get rid of belly fat
– Squats
Squats are well known for being a very powerful exercise when it comes to burning belly fat, and though they may not seem like they do much, you will be surprised at how effective they happen to be. Squats pressures the core area allowing it to burn more fat than the usual amount. Squats will not just burn all of your belly fat, but it will also help strengthen and tighten your legs. All you need to do is 5 simple sets of 10 squats 3-4 days a week, and in a few weeks, you will then start to see how your belly fat will slowly disappear.
– Burpees
Burpees are also a very effective exercise when it comes to losing belly fat. Burpees are a cardio exercise that will not just help you to burn belly fat, but also overall body fat. All you need to do is about 5 sets of 10 burpees as well, and within a few weeks, your belly fat will completely vanish. Burpees may be a tiring exercise, but that is only because they really are effective when it comes to losing belly fat.
– Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are also effective when it comes to losing your belly fat, as it also pressures the core area. Mountain climbers don’t just eliminate the fats in your stomach, but it also tightens the legs. The reason why mountain climbers are a very effective exercise is that, in just a short period of time, all of the fats in your belly and legs will disappear.
Change your diet to lose belly fat
Diet or lack thereof is often a major contributor to an increase in belly fat.
Excess sugar, alcohol intake, lack of vegetables, fast food, etc all play their part in boosting belly fat.
There are many who are pro low carb diet high-fat diets (LCHF) to quickly lose weight. I personally do not agree as I believe that carbs form a very necessary part of our diet. Cutting carbs often does more harm than good.
This 14-day weight loss cycle emphasizes the importance of carbs in your diet and has been shown to provide some great results.
Boost your efforts with Supplements
If you tend to have a tough time when it comes to losing your belly fat, then it’s advised to use supplements to boost your weight loss. By using supplements for your belly fat, you will then be able to lose all the belly fat that you need in no time.
Never do the same exercise all the time, because if you do, your body will get immune to that specific exercise, and they will eventually have no more effect on your body. The more you change your exercises, the faster your belly fat will disappear.
So basically, by doing the right exercises, following a sensible diet, andusing a suitable supplement, you will then be able to lose all of the belly fat that you desire.
The best Supplement to lose belly fat for men is Testogen. The major cause of belly fat in men is drop in testosterone. Testogen pills boosts your testosterone and thereby increases the rate at which you burn belly fat.
Ladies have a completely different solution to men. The best supplement for ladies to reduce belly fat is Trimtone.