How to Improve Sales Team Productivity – Out the Box

Improve sales team Productivity
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Improving sales team productivity is a key concern for sales managers and companies, as sales are essential to business success. Without effective sales, a company risks failure.

Companies traditionally enhance sales team productivity through various methods, including but not limited to:

  • Sales incentive programs and competitions
  • Sales team training sessions
  • Team building programs and events
  • Entertainment, such as sales team dinners.

The methods listed above are commonly used to boost sales, but are they sufficient and are they still effective in today’s complex and competitive market?

The results achieved from the above are often questionable.

Regarding sales incentives, it’s common for larger companies to award a grand prize to the salesperson who reaches a certain sales target within a specified timeframe. Typically, in a group of 10 salespeople, there might be one or two who consistently perform well and are driven by such prizes. However, this raises concerns for the remaining seven or eight members who feel they stand no chance—does this motivate them, or could it actually lead to demotivation?

Team building programs and events are usually fun while they last but have they ever really been shown to add extra to your sales figures at the end of the month. Yeah sure, the team may be motivated for a couple of days after the event but how long does the motivation last.

Company meals and other benefits are great but all too soon can be viewed as a “right” and not a privilege. The gesture can quickly become a demotivator instead of the motivator that it was originally intended to be.

Thinking outside of the box to boost sales

Exploring innovative strategies to increase sales is the way of the future. This is what will set your company apart from the crowd and place you in the winner’s box. You have to be the head and not the tail. The leader that everyone follows and not the follower like everyone else.

Like all things this is usually easier said than done.

If you are going to be working outside the box, it is imperative that you change your viewpoint. Instead of thinking with your company hat on, I am going to suggest that you begin to look at the situation from the viewpoint of your prospective customers. You can build an amazing team that your company is proud of but if they are not supplying what your customer is looking for, they will not achieve the sales that your company is looking for.

What does your customer need from your salesman?

While each industry has its specific requirements, there are several common factors that are prominent across most industries.

  • Neat and presentable salesperson. This is just plain common sense.
  • Knowledgeable and helpful about the service or product that they are selling.
  • Energy attracts people. When an individual exudes a great deal of energy, they naturally become a magnet for others. These individuals seek to associate with the energetic person and hope to harness some of that energy for themselves.
  • Positivity attracts people; when you’re positive and resourceful, others naturally want to engage with you.
  • Confidence is a sought-after trait; it’s a quality that emanates from an individual and draws others in. It’s often remarked that when Tom Cruise walks into a crowded room, his confidence and charisma are so palpable that the whole room senses his presence.

Now is the time to get out the box!

Companies with active sales teams usually have the first item regarding being neat and presentable well covered and monitored.

Achieving and managing energy, positivity, and knowledge is a complex task due to the myriad of factors that affect each sales team member. Team building activities and sales incentives may not always yield the expected outcomes.

Energy and motivation are influenced not only by personal character but also by factors like poor nutrition and diet. No amount of training or motivation is going to influence your salespeople to be more energetic and positive if they lack the nutrition that triggers their energy and positiveness.

In terms of confidence, people often say that you either have it or you don’t. I disagree. Confidence is built and can be easily acquired under the right circumstances.

Can the above be corrected and improved upon? Definitely when you are prepared to work outside the box a little.

Possible solution to improve your sales team productivity

I recently had the good fortune of using some high-quality supplements from Performance lab. I combined using the Multivitamin with the Mind Lab Pro Nootropic and was amazed at the results. This is what I found.

  • Energy – From the moment I woke up until the evening, I was brimming with energy.
  • Positivity – My mood was exceptional; nothing could dampen my spirits. Even the most significant issues seemed trivial.
  • Focus – my mind was incredible focused and suddenly I was as sharp mentally as I have ever been.
  • Confidence – due to the increase in energy and positivity my confidence increase exponentially.

Imagine boosting your entire sales force so that they all experience the boost in energy, positivity, focus and confidence that I experienced.

It is relevant to note that these products do not contain caffeine or other stimulants, and they are also vegan friendly. 100% Natural.

These are the 2 products that I used. My full review can be read here.

NutriGenesis Multivitamin for Men
Mind Lab Pro

Can you imagine a sales team, full of energy and raring to go each and every morning, regardless of when their last company dinner was, regardless of any sales incentives, a team who overcomes the problems that they face in innovative ways instead of bringing them to the sales manager and complaining about them.

This is the sort of sales team that will go out and do your company proud, a team that you will not need to expend all your energy on just to try and get them started in the morning, let alone to stay motivated through the day. A team that will place your company in the lead.

Conclusion on Thinking Creatively to Increase Sales

Traditional company methods to boost sales productivity are no longer sufficient to keep your company ahead of the pack.

Going a little further could make the difference to your team and result in the change in attitude, energy and sales that your company has been striving to achieve.

Why not consider dumping one of the team building functions that you spend a fortune on, or one of the other events that do not bring that much return, and trade it for improving not only the health of your sales team but also improving your sales results as well.

Imagine your customers saying, “I love working with ABC Pty Ltd, they’re positive and innovative. Whenever their salesperson visits, I know my business is in good hands.”

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