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PhenGold Reviews – Prices and Recommendations

PhenGold Reviews – Prices, Ingredients, and Recommendations

PhenGold is a natural fat burner diet pill that’s been clinically proven to help you lose weight. PhenGold is also formulated to be safe, fast-acting, natural, and easy on your digestive system so you can finally lose the weight without sacrificing your health.

Product Brand: PhenGold

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 36.00

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:
Kristina weight loss with PhenGold


Dropped 21 Pounds!

In Just 4 months I was able to shed 21 pounds thanks to PhenGold. Being at home I gained weight and lost motivation.

After taking PhenGold I gained the motivation and focus needed and within just 4 months I was able to shed 21 pounds.


London, UK

Phengold reviews

Are you feeling bad about your weight?

This may be the solution to your problem. PhenGold is a supplement that can help you to lose weight fast in a safe and healthy way.

PhenGold could help to

  • suppress your appetite
  • boost your metabolism
  • increase your fat-burning
  • improve your mood and energy
  • improve sleep.

PhenGold is an all-natural supplement which means that you don’t need to worry about harmful side effects. You can finally overcome the urge to snack, be more focused, and boost your metabolism.

When combined with a calorie-restrictive diet and increased physical exercise weight loss should come naturally and fairly quickly.


PhenGold’s Benefits: How It Supports Weight Loss.

How PhenGold can help you lose weight

What is PhenGold’s Function?

PhenGold will support you in four unique ways.:-

  • Help to suppress your appetite.
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Increase your fat burning
  • Improve your mood and energy
  • Improve sleep which reduces stress

I noticed that as I got older, losing weight became increasingly more difficult. Then I decided to give up smoking and before I knew it I had packed on quite a few extra pounds and no matter what they were just not coming off.

I tried almost everything

  • Cutting down on snacking – In fact, I stopped snacking completely
  • Increased exercise – Yep, I went out and bought one of those trendy exercise machines
  • Following diets – Tried a couple of those that tell you what you can eat and when – not my style

Nothing seemed to be able to help in the way that I needed help. Sure I could lose a few pounds with loads of effort but I was not managing to come anywhere near to becoming comfortable in my skin again.

Then I decided to take a drastic step – something I had never dreamed of ever doing – on a friend’s advice I decided to get a little help from a supplement.

My research indicated that PhenGold was the best and safest option.

The rest is history.

Reasons to Use a Supplement?

There are a few people who are able to lose weight without using a supplement. However, most people battle to lose weight and after a couple of unsuccessful dieting attempts soon resign themselves to being overweight. This leads to unhappiness and lowered self-esteem amongst other problems.

Generally, most people battle to lose weight due to a number of factors

  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of focus
  • Stress
  • Hunger and frustration causes snacking
  • Slow metabolism

A good weight loss supplement improves your focus and boosts your motivation to lose weight. This helps you to overcome the frustrations that can lead to snacking.

The supplement will also contain ingredients that will help to curb your hunger, again helping you to avoid snacking between meals. Snacking is one of the greatest contributors to weight gain.

Lastly, the supplement sets your body into fat-burning mode. This generally also increases your energy levels which contributes to increased exercise and weight loss.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of PhenGold

Pros and Cons of PhenGold

How does PhenGold Compare To Phen375?

Possibly one of the most well-known diet pills of the 2000s was Phen375.

PhenGold vs Phen375

Phen375 was initially formulated and produced as a result of the banning of Phentermine 37.5 diet pills which were the fastest-selling diet pill in history. Unfortunately, Phentermine also had some nasty side effects which resulted in many people experiencing life-threatening side effects, and as a result, Phentermine was banned from over-the-counter sales and was made a prescription-only medication.

Along came Phen375 to fill the gap left by Phentermine. However, Phen375 was not void of controversy especially when they started to have varying formulations for different parts of the world and also changed formulations a number of times.

PhenGold has only recently come onto the market but it has already proven that it is a solid substitute for both Phentermine and Phen375. The great thing is that it is also all-natural so there are no side effects. Great weight loss results have already been achieved by many.

However, I would like you to not purely take my word for it but for you to read a full comparison that was written by Mr. Andrew Slack who is an online weight loss guru for many years.

Ingredients in PhenGold

The all-natural ingredients in PhenGold have been carefully formulated to work synergistically to boost your weight loss. Not only does it boost your weight loss but it also helps you to feel great while losing weight.

Green tea

Green Tea 500mg

The secret of China, used for centuries to boost metabolism and increase fat burning. High in caffeine content and rich in catechins, the benefits go far beyond just weight loss.

Green tea boosts metabolism, burns fat, and is rich in antioxidants.

Green Coffee

Green Coffee is high in Caffeine content and also contains Chlorogenic acid to reduce fat and sugar absorption by your body.

Green coffee is known to burn fat, boost metabolism and increase your energy levels.

Green coffee

L-Theanine 250mg

L-Theanine is an Amino acid found in tea leaves and in some mushrooms.

It is thought to help you fall asleep faster by calming your mind and lowering anxiety levels. Good sleep is essential to your weight loss efforts. It also improves mood and focus.

L-Tyrosine 350mg

Research indicates that the amino acid, L-Tyrosine, helps produce dopamine and adrenaline in your body which in turn helps you to feel good and to burn fat faster.

 Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea 250mg

Rhodiola Rosea is well known for reducing stress and combatting exhaustion. The reduction in stress reduces your urge to snack and also helps you to increase your physical performance.

It is known to also burn fat and increase energy levels.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a well-known fat burner and appetite suppressant. It is a common ingredient of many diet pills due to this. It has been proven as a major aid in weight loss.

It burns more fat increases, calorie-burning, and reduces appetite.

Cayenne Pepper

Caffeine 225mg

Caffeine is known to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and suppress your appetite, while also increasing your energy levels and focus.

Caffeine is found in almost all diet supplements.

DMAE 150mg

Also known as Dimethylethanolamine,  It is a Nootropic that many people believe can positively affect mood, enhance memory, and improve brain function.

DMAE is included in this diet pill to improve your mood and motivation levels.

Vitamin B

Vitamins B3, B6, B12

Vitamins B3. B6, and B12 are essential to your weight loss journey. They will assist you to maintain a healthy metabolism, transform fat into energy, and process fats and carbs in your diet better.

These vitamins boost metabolism, control cravings, increase energy, and improve mood.

The great part about these ingredients listed above is that they work together synergistically to make losing weight so much easier for you.

Some Happy Clients

Kristina weight loss with PhenGold


Dropped 21 Pounds!

In Just 4 months I was able to shed 21 pounds thanks to PhenGold. Being at home I gained weight and lost motivation.

After taking PhenGold I gained the motivation and focus needed and within just 4 months I was able to shed 21 pounds.


London, UK

Laura weight loss with PhenGold


Lost 30 Pounds!

Having a baby left me with a body I did not recognize or want. I was left with a very low self-image and I had no motivation. That was until I decided to try PhenGold.

Within 4 weeks of starting PhenGold I lost 9 pounds and reduced my waistline by 2 inches.


New York, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it really Work?

PhenGold is an all-natural fat burner and appetite suppressant.

It is designed to help you to overcome the urge to snack, keep you more focused, and to boost your metabolism. When combined with a calorie-restrictive diet and increased physical exercise, weight loss should come naturally and fairly quickly.

Each bottle of PhenGold contains 90 tablets. You need to take 3 tablets a day in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast.

Is it Guaranteed?

When you order the 2 months or 3 months supply, you are fully covered by the 100-day money-back guarantee,

The full refund policy can be viewed by clicking here.

Where is PhenGold shipped from?

PhenGold is manufactured and shipped from the USA.

It is shipped to most countries free of charge. Shipping is usually fairly quick but delays may be experienced due to customs procedures in your country.

PhenGold is FDA approved.

What does PhenGold cost?

PhenGold ships for free to most countries so this is a great saving. Often when comparing prices people tend to overlook the heavy cost of shipping that is added on when you check out.

The price of PhenGold varies according to the offer that you choose. Offers vary from buying a single month’s supply right up to buying a 3 month supply and getting 2 extra months for free. That is a total of 5 months’ supply.

I have found that the best deal and choice is to purchase the 3 months with 2 months free choice.

Losing weight is not a quick overnight affair. Ensuring that you have purchased sufficient products to cover your entire weight loss journey not only saves you money but also saves you from the anguish of having to reorder. Besides if there is any product leftover I am sure that one of your family or friends would be only too happy to take it over from you.

Phengold reviews

Visit the official PhenGold Website

PhenGold is a supplement that is relatively new on the market. However, it has already proven itself to be a really solid choice for anyone wishing to lose weight.

PhenGold can help you to lose weight fast in a safe and healthy way.

The combination of 9 ingredients helps you to lose weight in a variety of ways ensuring that you have results. 

  • Increases fat burning
  • Suppress your appetite
  • Boost metabolism
  • Improve mood and energy
  • Deeper sleep reduces stress